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Friday, June 8, 2012

Letter to My Little A

Dear Little My womb

What I Would Do For You
I would do just about anything you'd ask.
For you there's nothing I wouldn't do, there's no such task.

I would walk without my shoes to the end of the Earth.
I would give up anything I had to to teach you self worth.

I would hold your hand every minute of every day.
But I won't because I know you need to find your own way.

I would surely bear the heartache of your first love that's real.
Even though I can't, I will naturally feel as you feel.

I would sell my soul if it would keep you happy forever.
I would give my right arm to keep us forever together.

I would run a hundred miles up hill in the rain.
Just to guarantee that you will never feel pain.

I would laugh with you even if I was sad.
I would smile at you even if I was mad.

I would accept your mistakes with a grin on my face.
I would guide you in correcting them, but at your own pace.

I will teach you the ways of the world because it may get quite wild.
Just please don't you ever forget, that you will always be my child. 
source:  Jayne Sena The Labor of Love